Saturday, February 22, 2020

Managing Change in Global Organizations Research Paper

Managing Change in Global Organizations - Research Paper Example In recent years, a lot of debate has centered on how global business organizations should define, enter and operate in markets. The study on which this article by John Amis and Michael Silk is based examined the thought processes and processes of senior managers at Guinness. Their findings revealed that effective management of a global brand called for strategic marketing initiatives that would enable the brand to be in sync with local realities and brands while maintaining its global status. This paper by Michael Harvey and Milorad Novicevic explores the role of global teams in the strategic initiatives of global organizations. Strategic initiatives refer to those major decisions and actions reached and taken by a global organization with a view to achieving far-reaching results. An example of a strategic initiative is rebranding. This article by Gedeon Mudacumura examines empirical studies on the participative approach to management in public and private sectors. Given the phenomenon of globalization, the author identifies the concepts of interrelationships and complexity as major challenges to management. The concept of interrelationships implies that many changes that global organizations are highly intertwined such that they cannot be addressed in isolation. Consequently, management scholars must look an approach to change management that is more suitable for global organizations. This article by Leong Choon Chiang reports the findings of a study that examined the role of management and the concerns of employees when a hotel rebrands.

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